International Cyber Expo 2023 – Done!

Earlier this week, D2NA attended the International Cyber Expo at the Olympia in London.

The two-day event hosted a wide range of companies from across the Cyber Security industry and was twinned with the International Security Expo.

Delegates were able to see the latest in cutting edge technology and services as well as listen to industry experts in regularly organised seminars.

We were proud to be situated on the IASME pavilion, pitched up alongside other IASME certification bodies and the IASME team.

Over the two day event we spoke to lots of interesting people and have made some great connections which we are looking forward to exploring further.

If you saw us at the event, thank you for stopping by and we hope to see to you again soon!

ICE 2023
The D2NA stand on the IASME pavilion
The D2NA team at ICE2023
The D2NA team at the expo, Chris Yates, Shaurya Deuja, Cheryl Chadwick and Shaun Conway
ICE 2023
Chris Yates speaking to a visitor
ICE 2023
Zoomed in view of our stand
ICE 2023
External view of the entrance